In order to understand more about cataracts and lens implants, it is important to first begin by understanding some things about the way your eye functions. Learn more about our procedures by clicking on the button below.

Aesthetic Services
Your skin. It’s the ultimate line of physical protection for your entire body. Now you can return the favor with Avanti Skin Essentials-our exclusive line of all-natural skin care products; soothe, nourish and invigorate from the outside-in.
Why Choose PEI?
At the Pittsburgh Eye Institute, we pride ourselves in providing the highest quality of eye care. It begins with a professional and caring attitude. It involves well-trained, skilled surgeons and support staff to deliver the outcome we both desire, the best visual performance! It means using state-of-the-art equipment to optimize safety which is enhanced by the comfort of a first class facility…
Easy Online Bill Payment
Simple and quick, use our online bill payment portal.